Snowmobile Crash Funny Twice It Still Runs

The Frozen (2012) Poster

6 /10

Surprisingly good, actually..

There are probably going to be some reviews bashing the simplicity of this film, but amazingly enough that is what I found most intriguing about it. For a simple ultra-low budget this is the best I've seen in a while. The synopsis is simple. Guy talks his girl into heading up to the snowy mountains in a bold (if not ignorantly risky) attempt to get some alone time. Survival becomes a factor after a foretelling crash, and then of course there is the menacing bad guy to contend with. The director is knowledgeable of the area and the expertise shows in the scenery takes. Great camera work and some effort put into good angles. The musical score helped out quite a bit, at least for me. Good tension rifts and effectively moody when needed. I was most amused by the first half of the film. The focus is the interaction between the guy bending over backwards in optimism to cater to the ever-skeptic and ego-crushing girlfriend. Sounds cheesy I know, but my opinion is that for some reason this worked.. I'm sure some couples are going to relate.. and then the added bonus of them ripping around on an RMK sled while dripping with naivety. They did pack quite well at least. I think I was more nervous and tense for them than they were. If you've ever personally crossed that moment in the outdoors where you just aren't quite sure if you are going to make it back to the truck... even if just briefly, then you know what I mean. Anyway, some nice details that make sense in a survival struggle were present.

I'm not saying there weren't flaws. There we're. Both in tech details for what was being portrayed and in the story itself. For instance, snowmobiles are heavy and tricky to ride in a couple plus feet of mountain powder. Not something for a novice. It would have been fun to show the realism of getting one unstuck.. lol. Also 3/4 of the way into the film my plausibility meter was gagging with the bad guy, but that one worked itself out.. just have to be a little patient.

All in all I was entertained by this cheap trip into the woods. Not everyone will be, but if you dabble in the outdoors with your spouse, it might have a better effect.

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2 /10

starts promisingly, turns into a very poor film

The Frozen starts off promisingly, with an intriguing and watchable female lead and a better than decent male lead. Their interpersonal dynamics are ridden with ambiguous tension and the situation, a snowmobile accident that leaves them stranded, is grist for the mill of suspense, thrills and maybe horror. This goes on for two thirds of the film. Thereafter, the movie gradually reveals itself to be none of these, neither thrilling, suspenseful nor scary. It begins to drag. Badly. Nothing happens. Nothing keeps happening. The woman wanders, discovers a wedding ring intended for her, lights a fire, and on and on. But nothing engages, nothing moves forward and nothing comes together. This goes on -or off- for a good (actually bad) twenty minutes.

Then comes the finale. A trite, amateurish, bad film student's conception of a "cool" resolution. In fact, what we are treated to is a caricature of a prototypical Twilight Zone conceit. it's the one you were convinced no one would ever try again for its embarrassing familiarity and pretension.

I don't think you'll like this film.

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10 /10

Surprised by the low ratings...

I watched this movie with no preconceived notions and very little knowledge of the plot. I mention this because I believe it contributed to my ultimately finding it to be a very good movie, especially for what I imagine was a very low budget film. Not really sure why other reviewers were so negative about this movie. While it was not a big budget feast for the eyes jammed packed with stars, it was an interesting movie that was different enough from the majority of films being produced to make it every watchable. Where I think this film really excelled was engaging the audience in the emotions of the characters. I found myself identifying with everything the main character was going through, which for me is indicative of successful storytelling. I may be being overly generous with my rating, but that's only because I don't want people to pass on seeing it because of what I would consider to be unfair reviews.

If you are going to see The Frozen, do yourself a favor by not reading any spoilers or synopses. Going into the film with an open mind will make it more worth your time.

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2 /10

It thawed up pretty fast...

"The Frozen" is the type of movie that will test your patience. This movie will pull out teeth while doing so, because there is very little happening throughout the entire movie.

If you enjoy winter landscapes and scenery, then you might find some enjoyment in "The Frozen", otherwise it is a fairly weak horror/thriller movie experience.

The story is about a young couple that go out for camping in the wilderness during winter. But a tragic accident befalls the young couple and they find themselves stranded in the snowy wilderness with a mysterious strange hunter lurking in the wilderness around their camp site. As the temperature drops, things are not all as they seem in the winter wonderland.

A story that actually did have some potential, but it just turned out to be a very long snooze-fest that dragged on for a very, very long time. Sure there were a couple of semi-interesting moments throughout the movie, but in overall, it just didn't deliver the goods in a good way.

"The Frozen" has a very limited cast, so there was a lot of weight on their shoulders. And I will say that the people did a fair enough job, although not something memorable or award-winning.

For a horror/thriller movie, then "The Frozen" was surprisingly devoid of shock moments and scary stuff. I enjoy horror movies quite a lot, and this movie failed to make a lasting impression, and I can't say that I will be making a return trip to this movie, it was just not frosty enough.

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1 /10

please no more films like this

Warning: Spoilers

Every other minute of this film was long shots of inadequate actors trying to emote dramatically for what seemed forever. Without these shots the film would be over in 20 minutes - which would have been a good thing. Totally predictable with a plot that have been done too many times. The lead actress had the range and warmth of a slinky, and the camera was on her most of the time. I lost count of how many dream sequences there were, in addition to just not caring. This was not a thriller, was not a survival film, had no interesting characters, and just plain bored me. Watching water freeze would be more fun. The photography and settings were good but just watch National Geographic if you want that.

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1 /10

Has to be one of the lamest movies made....

Warning: Spoilers

Interesting premise and a one liner story stretched into 1.5 hours of annoying movie.

Honestly what were the makers thinking when they made this one?

This has to be one of the most purposeless movies ever made. I m a big thriller/horror fan. But the intended thrills here were plain irritating.


A pregnant girl and her boyfriend's adventurous camping trip in snow goes awry when they meet a snowmobile accident. The boyfriend goes missing and the girl makes very lame attempts at getting out of the situation. Strange things keep happening. A mysterious gunman keeps appearing at random and doesn't say a word. Adding to your annoyance and making you hate this movie even more.

The performances are in sync with the movie, BAD!!

The "supposed" suspense/twist in the climax is plain lame.

Avoid this one at all costs.

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7 /10

Not a masterpiece but worth watching if you like films taking place in the nature

A couple drive to the snowy woods to spend their holiday adventure together. After driving a while they take a snowmobile and go further into the mountains. Suddenly they see someone between the trees and after taking their eyes off the road they crash.

Now, I can understand why the ratings are so low for The Frozen. It doesn't contain much action, no special effects really, dialogues are honestly poor and choices of protagonists seem irrational. However, if you love films like The Edge with Alec Baldwin and Anthony Hopkins, you will probably like this one as well. I love films taking place in the nature. They are simple. There are no intrigues, gang violence, corporate competition and cops chasing bad guys. It's all about surviving and this is what The Frozen is about. The couple has to survive in harsh conditions and they can only count on themselves.

From the start to the end of the film I could feel the tension. There is hardly any music, so most of the sounds you hear come from the nature, which makes you feel on edge. The acting is fine. You can probably remember Brit Morgan from True Blood series. She plays a hardly likable character, but it's fun to watch her.

All in all, it's probably not a masterpiece of cinematography, but if you like films taking place in the nature, you will enjoy it. I give it 7 out of 10 for the unexpected ending which changes everything.

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5 /10


Warning: Spoilers

The newly pregnant, former bar tender Emma (Brit Morgan) is going on a snow camping trip with her uninformed boyfriend Mike (Seth David Mitchell). They travel 9-10 miles from the road in a snowmobile to a spot recommended by Cowboy Jeff. After the snowmobile takes a spill, the couple struggles to survive. Emma suffers from vivid dreams and hallucinations.

The film drops clues as to what is going on. It leads you in one direction and then another. Brit Morgan did a good job as a woman who is pregnant in an unsure relationship. There are things that don't make sense as you watch it, that come together at the end which was a bit anti-climatic. They could have given us some more scenery too. Brit Morgan did a good job. Seth David Mitchell and Noah Segan acted like they wanted different careers. Their parts were written as support for the main character.

Parental Guidance: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.

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7 /10


Mediocre acting... but a decent plot twist, some interesting scares, and beautiful winter scenery helps keep this movie decent.

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2 /10

Waste of Time

Warning: Spoilers

This movie starts with a non original idea, but, well, who gives a crap...after all, there aren't many original movies nowadays... After a few minutes, we start looking at the clock, to see how much time we have already wasted...the movie is slow-paced, it doesn't have anything to "grab" the viewer...and then, ends in the most ridiculous forms ever... The movie is about a couple, who went camping in a snowy mountain. A few hours later, while sight-seeing, they have an accident with the snowmobile, and they return back to the camping place, so that they nourish their wounds... In that same evening they find out they are not alone...There are some persons after them, especially one guy with a shotgun. Well, to make things shortened, the guy with the shotgun is like a soul, that guides the dead, and the couple find out that they died in the accident... Saw this idea in other movies, like The Others, Dead End, and in those movies, it worked better...this one is lame, boring, and very very very slow paced, and, after a few minutes, you find out what truly happens, and then, you spend more than 1 hour just to see if you are right,and they truly died in the accident... I didn't liked it, neither did my wife, and we love horror/mystery/thriller movies...complete waste of time, but then again, I saw some good everyone's got the right for his/her opinion.......

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8 /10

A Very Pleasant Surprise

I have to admit that I had very low expectations of this movie. From the plot summary I had read it seemed as if it would be little more than a routine thriller, with perhaps some blood and gore added in. Actually, it turned out to be a pretty nifty little psychological thriller, with little blood and no gore, likable leads in Brit Morgan and Seth David Mitchell, and what I thought was an effective twist at the end that was sufficiently ambiguous that it left me not entirely certain what the character's ultimate fates were.

Mike and Emma have gone off camping in the winter wilderness, but they manage to wreck their snowmobile and things start to look pretty desperate pretty quickly. As things begin to look progressively bleaker, Emma starts to see a man following them. Is he real, or is she imagining it? You wonder for a while, but once it's cleared up you start to wonder what this guy is about. When Mike disappears, it becomes pretty obvious that this is a bad guy. Or is he?

The final "twist" was pretty effective, and the ending of the story - to me - very effectively left a lot up in the air, leaving it to each individual viewer to decide whether Emma made a wise choice or not. Without giving too much away, let me just say that I found the end of this movie to be foreboding rather than hopeful, but either interpretation works.

This is a short and effective little thriller; much better than I had been expecting. (8/10)

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1 /10

Horrible, just horrible

Warning: Spoilers

Things were going okay until the first line of dialogue was spoken. It's all downhill from there. The acting is sub-par, with the male lead far worse than the female. Both characters are unlikable and don't have any redeeming qualities that would make you root for them. There's obviously some sort of rift between the two, as they seem to have quite the disdain for each other, this especially shows from the woman.

They go into the snow packed wilderness horribly unprepared. After a snow mobile accident, they begin to see strange silent figures in the woods. The boyfriend investigates one night and disappears. The next hour is filled with a mentally draining bore of sequence after sequence of the woman brooding about, which always ends up with her back at the damn tent. This repeats itself a good dozen times it feels...before it all unravels into weird scenes from some campy slasher flick. Then it turns out she's been dead the whole time or something... my brain was fried at this point and I wasn't paying much attention.

I truly thank Netflix for adding this to their selection, and I only blame myself, and my two other family members that agreed upon this turd of a movie.

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2 /10

City boy playing stupid in the big woods.

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This movie was excruciating even at 1 hour 30 minutes run time. I live in NNY and have done my fair share of snowmobiling. This movie has the main characters breaking every single rule set forth for safe snowmobiling. Where do I start? How bout riding alone? You NEVER ride alone! Too many things can happen and that's how people die. You NEVER ride without a helmet; you NEVER ride double up on a sled that isn't design for such things. And a rookie shouldn't ride an unmarked trail they don't know. The snow hides everything (rocks, stumps, drop offs, ditches, etc.)

Once I got past all this I had to suffer from the horror plot. I was so very bored. This carried on through the rest of the movie until the "twist" at the end... Ugh huh. This is a movie to pass up. Don't waste your time.

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6 /10

Deserves kudos for trying very hard but it should have been a short film

Warning: Spoilers

I broke my own imposed rule yet again and decided to give this low budget indie "horror" flick a try. Thank goodness, I'm not disappointed that I did. It certainly didn't blow me away by any means but it also wasn't horrendous and that's a big achievement with indie horror nowadays. The film's sole issue is how it drags. It is excruciatingly long and doesn't have enough depth or material to captivate you for the hour and a half. As a short film or a half hour episode of Twilight Zone, this would have been terrific but it really struggles to make itself feature length unfortunately. The good news is that the performances in the film are decent and the movie is appropriately bizarre enough to keep fans of the genre happy. It is clear that everyone involved really did try hard and they deserve mention for that. As with any good, bizarre horror flick there is a twist to the whole mystery and it unfolds quickly towards the end. The "twist" ending is very stereotypical, we've seen it a thousand times but it works for the film and it wasn't disappointing per se. Its a decent low budget thriller that won't blow you away but it also is decently made and not a mess.

As with any indie thriller the cast tends to be very small and is with this one. Seth David Mitchell and Brit Morgan both do a very good job as the young couple gone camping for the weekend. Morgan ends up being our "scream queen" and focus of the latter half of the film and she actually does a decent job of keeping the action going. She is a good scream queen and her charisma on screen keeps the story rolling. Noah Segan is really the only other role that gets more than thirty seconds and he's decent though it isn't exactly a hard role to capture. Its bare bones at best.

Andrew Hyatt is our writer and director and he is mostly an exception to my rule. That rule is when indie writers direct their own stuff...its almost always crap. This isn't crap. Again, I reiterate it isn't amazing and its excruciatingly slow but I give it honourable mention for not being crap. There are even a couple of genuinely well done and very creepy scenes. He uses his low budget very well and shoots from certain camera angles to emphasize the creep factor. So I'm not raving about this film, but you have to understand when you watch as many really terrible low budget horror flicks as I have you tend to see a 6/10 as a really great feat for something like this. Check it out for something a little different and see that it can be done right. 6/10

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1 /10

Pretty much the most awful movie I've ever seen. ever.

Warning: Spoilers

Where to begin.. This movie was so awful. I spent and hour and a half thinking it was going to eventually get better but, unfortunately, it still sucked. The actress was bitchy and unlikeable, and the actor was just straight up stupid. The movie started out with them snowmobiling out in to the middle of freaking winter frozen nowhere, when they see someone in the woods and proceed to crash and eat it; now if the movie would have ended right there I would have been happier with it than I am right now. They both stay in a tent for a little bit, with spooky noises and rustling sounds until the genius male lead decides to go out to investigate said typical spooky wood sounds. Naturally, he disappears, leaving the dumb female lead to fend for herself. We endure way too many nightmare sequences, all having people whipping around to face the camera with their jacked-up faces. Blah blah blah. This goes on for 45 minutes. The girl tries to find the boy, and finds a puddle of blood. And then cries. And backs away. And goes back to the tent. Again. By this point I was getting distracted by how much my hair had grown while I was waiting for something worth watching to happen. The movie goes on and on with the same things over and over again, a tree branch would break, she'd see something move, her mascara would be running down her face and then reapplied in the next shot. And then I FINALLY made it to the end. Which was LITERALLY THE STUPIDEST TWIST I HAVE EVER SEEN. I wanted to punch myself in the face for watching it. I would rather have my eyeballs pecked out by swordfish than watch that again.

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5 /10

Could have been better.

Kind of a strange movie. You think its going one way but its really going in another. I'm not sure what I think of it. It was frustrating to watch people fumble around in nature. It's actually not the easiest thing in the world to start a camp fire yet the two main characters were able to do that easily time and time again yet they weren't capable of doing easier stuff like driving a snow mobile in an area where there were no obstacles. Thats what I mean by I don't know what to think about this movie. Maybe I am being too picky. It really isn't easy to get a campfire going in winter...I find many horror films these days are achingly derivative of other previous horror films so much so I can almost count off the other films the producer has seen and incorporated into his personal cinematographic monologue. So many horror films these days fall into the category of see it if you are stuck for something to do rather than go and see it because its a good film. Its not a total yawn but its close.

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1 /10

a very poor movie, don't waste your time

This movie starts off bad and gets worse. Terrible acting and equally bad dialogue are the two things I remember this movie for, poor storyline is the third. It is a low budget film granted, but that is no excuse. A poor plot , bad acting and no connection with the two main characters, in fact I found the male lead character extremely annoying and lost count of how many times the phrases,"seriously" and "give me a second" were used. The eventual twist at the end of the film could be guessed well before it is revealed. The only good comment I can make about this movie is that there were occasionally some stunning shots of snow covered landscapes.

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3 /10

more bad than good - SPOILER ALERT!!!

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I thought this movie "borrowed" from Sixth Sense (they didn't know they were dead) and Blair Witch (minus the hand held camera; walking in circles). Not much else to the film other than some good scenery. It left me with a bunch of questions that I don't feel the movie answered:

  • What was with the house scene with her in the nightgown?
  • Why didn't the reaper talk to her from the get go instead of waiting until she got to the diner?
  • Why did they pack a tiny, little cooler that wouldn't hold a single PB&J sandwich if they were spending the entire weekend in the woods??
  • When they decided to go back to the truck, why didn't they pack up the tent? Over all I would not recommend this movie.

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7 /10

Simple film challenged my mind a bit. A worthy flick.

Right off I knew that there was conflict between the woman and her man. She was distant and the man was trying to energize the situation somehow. The reason for the conflict is revealed a few minutes into the movie and ties in later especially at the end. The scenery was not spectacular although I live near the mountains so I might be spoiled. However, the setting was just right for this kind of movie It did not need to be spectacular; it needed to fit the plot and. I believe it did. The female lead is not a likable person and this works well with the plot as things change. There is a French or Swiss movie I saw several years ago and I believe writer of The Frozen has seen this movie. They are similar but sufficiently different. I liked them both which proved to me that variations on a theme can be successful. Don't expect to be horrified or bloody freaked out. It won't happen. Go with the flow and you might find yourself satisfied at the conclusion. The acting worked for me. Obviously, others do not agree with my assessment but hey, that's life.

I am partially deaf so I watch movies with the captioning. Therefore, my experience is likely different from those who can hear well. I miss the vocal nuances and pick up on other physical queues.

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8 /10

Little Gem!

Couple on weekend snow camping trip gets stranded in the woods after a snowmobile crash. Boyfriend was somewhat unprepared but that was probably due more to the fact he had a surprise in the works and his mind was more focused on that than properly planning for a few days in the wilderness. A strange man appears amongst the trees and things go awry after that.

It's a shame Seth David Mitchell didn't have more screen time - he's adorable. I wish Sedona James' character would have been more likable but I attribute the bitchiness to early pregnancy. That bitchiness also saw her through in a situation that might have left a sweet girl in the tent hyperventilating and curled in a fetal position.

Nice twist at the end that had me rewinding to verify.

Worth a look!

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3 /10

Silly and not original

Warning: Spoilers

The film starts well, nice setting, nice landscape. Could have been a really nice thriller with all the shadows behind the trees caught in the corner of the eye... The actors are OK. There are no great performances, but there is also no need for those in this type of movie. But after the nightmare where she wakes up in a nightgown, the film takes a dramatic turn for the worse. You start seeing zombies/ghosts (!), dead animals, etc. Ridiculous and almost childish. And the ending, which was supposed to be a very original never seen before twist is an old idea that was much better explored in The Others with Nicole Kidman. Weak, just weak.

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5 /10

I wish It Wasn't A Dream.

I'd like to be honest before I begin my review. Actually I was trying to find movie entitles something like "Frozen" because I found an article saying that the movie is good. I didn't get much information about the movie other than the title contains the word Frozen. So picked it up and later I realized that I got the wrong movie. The title I want is actually Frozen River.

So I decided to watch it alone, in the middle of the night because I wanted to get scared. And I did. But then I got mad because it was just a dream. I didn't happen only once, but almost all the time. Why??? I think it would be cool to make it real. I kinda tired with this kind of twist.

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6 /10

The Lead Female Character Ruined the Movie For Me!

Warning: Spoilers

I liked the story, and I liked the ending, but the lead female character completely ruined the movie for me because she is just such a total B*%#!! I swear, I wanted to strangle her throughout the whole movie. From the moment the couple arrives at the campsite to set up, she does nothing but nag and criticize him the WHOLE TIME, and for no reason. She's one of the most unlikeable characters I've ever seen in a movie. When her boyfriend is setting up the tent, she stands there watching him, being no help to him at all, and begins criticizing his tent assembly skills, this after she just admitted that she's never even set up a tent herself. And she has the nerve to criticize him when he hasn't even done anything wrong yet? Then, she tells him that she needs to go to the bathroom, and just stands there staring at him like she expects him to cup his hands for her to pee into or something. He hands her a roll of toilet paper, and she has the nerve to scoff at him when she takes it. What the heck is her problem? These are just the first examples of the horrible and negative attitude she displays throughout the entire movie. And then I really wanted to puke even more when he proposes to her later in the movie! WHAT?!? What sane and rational man would be stupid enough to want to marry someone like her? If the girlfriend was much nicer, I would've liked this movie so much more. I do like it, but I can't even watch it again because the horrible girlfriend makes me want to scream. In order for a movie to really work, the characters have to be at least a little bit likable, so the audience can sympathize. If not for her, I would give this 7 stars. But I have to deduct a star because I simply despise the girlfriend.

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10 /10

Great movie, I enjoyed it.

The movie starts out pretty interesting. A cute couple going on an exciting adventure. However things didn't quite turn out the way they wanted. The quality of the movie is really good, I don't know why some people didn't give good ratings for the movie. I enjoyed every minute of the movie. If you like exciting, mysterious movies then should definitely watch this. As the movie progresses it makes more sense, some parts were a little confusing but don't worry in the end they will explain everything. I was shocked at the ending but at least the movie didn't leave you with wondering what was all this about. This movie also has a great lesson to show, which is not to wander off on your own in the forest! I liked the movie because it was realistic, something that can really happen, if you believe in spiritual things. Honestly, if you were stuck in the forest by yourself, this is probably how your days would go by. So in overall, this movie had some ups and downs, but I really think they did a good job at this movie, and I would recommend it to others. If you are watching this with your lover, or partner, then it's definitely fun to keep asking "What would you do if we ended up in a situation like this?" But yea, good movie I would say.

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10 /10

Good movie better than expected.

Warning: Spoilers

With a score of 3.8 I expected distinctly average. Im pleased to say the score does not reflect the movie. Acting was good, and it kept my attention throughout. Some criticise the storyline but it had me guessing until quite near the end, and just how many story lines are there? I think they have all been done so you cant knock a film for treading a beaten path. That's all I have to say but to fill the ten lines I will add that perhaps the wolves thing could have been added, although I suspect the idea was not to have too many survival clichés which is fair enough. This is more a 6 out of 10. I give it 10 for average bumping purposes.

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